Friday, February 8, 2008

Raining in Bangalore

Wow - I woke up this morning - didn't even bother to look outside and went directly to the gym which is on the bottom floor of the hotel with no windows. I was there doing my workout for about 90 minutes and came back upstairs only to discover it's raining - not hard - a drizzle but raining nonetheless. So much for my plans to hang out the pool. Hmmm - what to do, what to do... Might just hang out on my balcony and read my book because I don't really think I want to do any shopping. It's supposed to be like this tomorrow as well - at least according to It's not like i can turn on the TV and watch the Indian version of the Today Show with Al Roker giving me a weather update.

I'm going to listen to some music tonight at a place called Opus. The woman, Nicole, I met at the expat dinner invited me to come along. I believe there are a couple of guys she knows that play in this band - she said it's American kind of folksy music. I have no idea what that means but I guess I'll find out.

Tuesday night the Overseas Women's Club is having their Professional Women's Group meeting so I'll be attending that. It cracks me up that I'm considered a Professional Woman when the the truth of the matter is you all know I hate the corporate world with a passion and would rather be hanging out with dogs. And don't even get me started on the fact that India is still very much a male dominated chauvanistic pig country - makes my skin crawl. Ya think I'm ready for my break to come home???? (ha-ha)

Random Thoughts

Or as Arsenio Hall would say things that make you go hhmmmmmm

I notice they are always mopping the floor in the various establishments but I never see them with a bucket of water when they are mopping - kind of makes you think they're just pushing dirt around on the floor not too mention making it wet, slippery and dangerous

They have something called elephant showers which is basically when you go on an elephant ride they make sure you go to a stream and then the elephant showers you with their long snout - do you think put a filter in the elephant to make sure the water has been decontanimated???

Well I'll be in Bangalore all weekend most likely hanging out by the pool after the gym and a leisurely breakfast. If I get really brave and don't mind sharing my day with 12 million other people maybe I'll go over to Commercial street and do some shopping since there really isn't anything else to do here.

I'll keep you posted because inquiring minds want to know :)