Thursday, February 14, 2008

Three Days and Counting

Can you tell how excited I am to be coming home. I shall kiss the ground after I get done kissing Chester. Bottom line is no matter how much we complain about our country with all its faults and inequities we still have it better than many other places in this world. Okay - that's enough rah rah America from me.

I shall spend my weekend lounging by the pool weather permitting and am debating about getting one more massage before I leave. 23 hours in coach is not going to be fun and the only reason I'm taking the more indirect route coming home is because Singapore Airlines has an extra inch of seat pitch and leg room and their service, even in coach, is superior to the other carriers. I shall try to remain in an Ambien coma for most of the flight but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

In addition to looking forward to my capuccino from Peet's I can't wait to hit the boxing gym - see the lads - and hit some bags. Shadow boxing just isn't the same. So what I've been doing while I'm here is something I haven't done in a really long time which is traditional weight lifting, running on the treadmill, the exercise bike and the elliptor machine.

Okay -the next time you hear from me I will be stateside.